Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Re: Pseudo Scientific Critique, by Carlos Vasquez (Week 2)

i don't know karma, nor do i believe in it, but i do know for sure that life is in balance.

the way i see it, everything in this world is in balance. chinese people have the yin-yang stuff, buddhists believe in karma (it IS buddhists, right? apology if i'm wrong. i'm uncertain on that), scientists (and even old days alchemists) believe in laws of conservations. there are a lot of things in this world that's sorta give us a hint that this world is a place of balance. life has its ups and downs, but in the long run, there will be no more ups than downs or vice versa. the "treat others as you would like to be treated" thing you were talking about, i think that's what the society call "the golden rule," isn't it? it's definitely a personal favorite of mine, it's just that in reality i've been experiencing being treated less by people i treat well. but it doesn't matter. if i use the golden rule and expect the same from others, then i would be doing nothing different than those people out there. but nevermind that, it's just the way i like to live my life. =)

that's one interesting bit you raised, though. why is killing ants or plants not as bad as killing fellow human being? true that we have minds and all this other junk that makes us superior compared to them, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't appreciate them. actually, it is something that's been bothering me all this time. what makes us so superior compared to animals? that we're intelligent beings? how is being able to learn science and other stuff, read, write, and all this crap makes us more intelligent than the animals? i mean, if you look at it from a different perspective, they're probably more intelligent than us. we can't build an underground tunneling system with bare hands like the gophers can. we can't lift something ten times our weight like ants can. we can't crawl up the wall like some bugs can (spiderman is one of them animals, so he's excluded). we can't see as well in the dark as bats. so in other ways, these animals are superior to us. and plants. damn. plants are awesome. WHO CAN MAKE THEIR OWN FOOD WITHOUT MOVING A SINGLE LIMB? none. if any, plants should be more superior than us. they can grow anywhere there's soil, and they don't depend on us to feed them.

so again, why are we considered superior?


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