Monday, August 02, 2004


14. Why was LSD so important in the word of Stanislav Grof?

grof seems to regard highly the ability of LSD to do many different things. at JHU, he did a test on LSD to see its potential in treating different disorders such as alcoholism, drug addiction, and depression. aside from these medical purposes, grof claims that although LSD does not always cause spiritual experiences, but he is certain that his experiences were nonetheless spiritual. in fact, he continues on to proclaim that LSD has helped him reach somekind of a "spiritual equilibrium." grof also makes a remark that "he knew many religious teachers from different traditions whose deepest spiritual experiences were drug-induced." another reason that makes grof considers LSD as important is that its ability to give the user a vision of his/her previous life. he claims that one of his LSD trips brought him to a place where he finds himself in "another century, another culture, identified with another person." the details of these visions were so rich and clear grof claims that they cannot be possibly induced by imaginations only. he also believes that LSD can help a person recall his/her birth, due to the number of tunnel visions that many LSD users experience. he gives an example about an autrian psychologist who had a vision of his own birth and a strong smell of leather, which was later confirmed by his mother that he was born in a shop that made lederhosen.


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