Monday, August 02, 2004


9. Why did Ramana Maharshi leave home at 17? What truth did he discover?

he decided to leave home because he realized that if he decides to live as a sadhu, then he cannot enjoy the convenience of home. therefore he must leave. after experiencing the awakening, venkataraman neglected his school work and began spending more time on meditation. he realized that in order for him to be able to find the truth, he must fully renounce the physical world. the realization or awakening came after at one moment he was overtaken by the fear of death. he did not know how that happened, but the thought of death produced an immense fear for him. feeling afraid, he decided to seek the solution to conquer his fear and arrived at the conclusion that the death of the body does not mean the death of him. he develops the idea of "I," in which I is the deathless self, the spirit of the body. he proclaims that what matters for one is the spirit, the I, and not the body. having discovered the truth that he is not his body (quite like descartes' "i think therefore i am"), he decided to renounce everything of the world and live as a sadhu. he did not even bother giving pleasure to the body because he believes that he is not his body and his body is therefore disposable and should not be subjected to pleasure.


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